💡Use Cases

Metoro can be used in a bunch of different ways to help make managing and debugging production easy. Here are a few examples of how you can use Metoro to help you out.

Triaging issues

When something goes wrong in production, it can be hard to know what area of your system is causing the issue.

Metoro can be used by first responders to quickly investigate and trige issues to the right team. Metoro can quickly identify the service or component that is causing a problem without you needing to dig through logs and traces or needing to know the intricacies of the problematic system. After identifying the problematic service, Metoro can provide insights into the root cause of the issue. Your team can then use this information to either resolve the issue or escalate it to the appropriate team.

Triage Walkthrough

Check out a video overview of how Metoro can help first responders triage issues. Just 2 minutes long!

Automated alert investigation

Automated alerts are great to increase your awareness of things going wrong in prod, but they can be noisy and time-consuming to investigate.

Metoro can reduce the time you spend digging into automated alerts (or help you stop ignoring them completely 👀) . Metoro ingests alerts from your observability provider, automatically investigates them and updates the alert with what it finds. Then when you get to investigating the alert you can skip the initial investigation and diangnostic steps and jump straight to the meat of the issue or ignore the alert if it's noisy.

Automated Alert Walkthrough

Check out a video overview of how Metoro can help you automate alert investigation. Just 2 minutes for this one!

  • TODO: Add video here

Issue categorization and recurrence identification

Issues are a fact of life in production, but it can be hard to know which issues are recurring and which are one-offs when you're operating at scale. Cataloging and categorizing issues can be a time-consuming task, but it's important to understand the health of your system.

Metoro automatically categorizes and catalogs issues, helping you know which issues are recurring and which are one-offs. This can help you prioritize which issues to investigate and fix, and can help you understand the health of your system over time.

Metoro does this in real time, so responders can see if the issue that they're investigating has happened before and what the resolution was.

Issue Categorization Walkthrough

Check out a video overview of how Metoro can help you categorize and catalog issues. Just 2 minutes for this one!

  • TODO: Add video here

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